08-09-2012, 10:24 AM
The Curragh
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Manningtown, Colorado
Posts: 2,727
Originally Posted by Danzig
yeah, my father is 71 and still works part time at the golf course where he lives. it's absurd, just like military pensions. and just like full ss paid when you turn 65-and a loser like my bro in law will collect full benefits with the bare minimum worked. it's all absolutely ridiculous. there are so many real issues that need addressing, but all the pols in dc (yes, ALL of them, regardless of party affiliation) work only on keeping their seats. they kick all problems down the road.
don't work on debt, just keep raising the ceiling (both parties).
don't do an ss fix (both parties) just keep saying it only needs minor tweaking, but don't even effing do the tweaking.
don't address medicare/caid-just cut payments to doctors, while doing nothing about fraud, waste and abuse.
don't do anything about defense (both parties) because the contractors provide jobs in their hometowns, and that might cost votes.
what are (again, repeating myself) the two biggest drains on the federal govt? defense, and 'entitlements'. not foreign aid, not any of the other depts in the federal govt.
so, one would have to assume, that if those two areas were properly addressed, the debt/deficit issues would be resolved.
as for taxes-the rich are paying less in taxes than they have in decades. as their share has gone down, the supposed jump in hiring has NOT occurred. those cuts haven't worked! yet people want to continue them. why? i'll tell you why.
because the rich control the purse strings. the two big parties need cut off at the knees.
Yet Scott Brown will be voted out this year in lieu of another party line sheep. Shame, I hope he moves to Colorado if it goes down. Think I should send him a note?
don't run out of ammo.