Good news! This law was estimated to disenfranchise 100,000 up to 1 million voters around Philadelphia alone.
Even if you have voted for years in the past, and think you have valid ID, please check and check "what to bring to polls" so you are not turned away this election.
Your previously valid ID may no longer be valid due to law changes.
This site is up-to-date on all voter ID laws, including those already overturned or still in court.
Below are multiple stories about American citizens not being able to get the "newly required" type of ID that will allow them to continue to vote (their old ID's are no longer valid due to Republican-Alec law changes)
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights under Law
Think Getting “Free” ID Is Easy? Think Again!
We've heard about people across the country struggling to obtain IDs in states with new government-issued photo ID requirements. Below you will find the stories we've collected from a diverse group of hardworking Americans.