Originally Posted by joeydb
I focused on the argument and did not try to insult anyone. Is the terminology incorrect? How else do you classify the action, except by calling it murder, if life does begin at conception?
If life does not begin at conception - no murder has occurred. The door of course swings both ways. Do you have a counter-argument, devoid of insults, upon which to prove this point?
I would suggest that the aggravation stems from an emotional reaction to the possibility, however remote, that maybe I'm right. That means that abortions those people know of might have been murders after all. That's a tough thing to accept.
The insult didn't win the argument for you - you didn't expect it to I'm sure.
oh yeah, i'm sure that's exactly what it is. it's purely visceral.
as for 'counter-argument', you've yet to produce an argument. one would be hard-pressed to actually logically argue something based on opinion only. and even tho the supreme court presented the first trimester as a measuring stick, so to speak, i'm sure that would hold no more water with you than to mention viability.