Originally Posted by bigrun
The Other Sept. 11
Blame Obama for four deaths in Libya. But don’t blame Bush for nearly 3,000 deaths in New York
The president was warned of an impending threat of terrorism. He failed to act. The attack came, Americans died, and now the administration is covering up the truth.
That’s what Republicans are arguing in 2012. Which is pretty funny, if you don’t count the dead Americans, because it’s the opposite of what the GOP said 10 years ago. Back then, the conspiracy theories and the 20/20 hindsight were about the original 9/11 attacks. And the Republican Party line was that anyone who accused the president of neglect or deceit was unpatriotic.
Jus sayin...
I don't recall Bush EVER referring to 9-11 as a 'bump in the road'.
Of course his wife didn't have to wait till her 40's to finally be proud of her country either.
Just sayin....