Originally Posted by joeydb
Well Obama's failure was predictable from his 2 year stint as a Senator before running for president. This "community organizer" lacks just about every quality necessary to be president except for good enough ocular acuity to read a teleprompter.
Your guy strings together prose just fine as long as someone else writes it for him to read off the prompter, and hasn't had an original thought for his whole term. Saul Alinsky and other socialists have said it all before. He's a recycled retread.
and he's not 'my guy'. i didn't vote for him in either election, i thought he would do poorly. i don't think he had enough experience, i thought he was naive. his pronouncements on change and his talk of things he was going to do were scoffed at by me. apparently you either didn't read or you choose to ignore all that.
it's too bad tho, that people tend to forget all that, because i won't fall in line with their 'black or white' way of looking at things and will challenge the 'worst president ever' pronouncements, or because i explain you're putting way, way too much blame on one person. the same one person i said was dreaming that he could change things.
he, and we, are a victim of the system.
your bias dictates what you say on here. try looking at everything candidly, without preconceived notions. i'd also recommend you read history, it will help put things in perspective regarding what has come before-and how our current 'leaders' compare.
also, it would help you persuade if you didn't suggest such things as palin being 'better'. that's hilarious.
also, how much has been kept from being done, or undone, because of the House? repubs made no secret that their sole purpose since obama took office was to thwart everything and anything. to hurt him at every opportunity, for good or for ill. how does that help this country or its citizens?