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Old 12-09-2014, 11:46 PM
Calzone Lord's Avatar
Calzone Lord Calzone Lord is offline
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Default NY Badge Monkey goes MMA on an unlicensed Cancer Stick salesman.

The city medical examiner has ruled the death of Eric Garner, the 43-year-old father whose death in police custody sparked national outrage, a homicide, saying a chokehold killed him.

The medical examiner said compression of the neck and chest, along with Garner's positioning on the ground while being restrained by police during the July 17 stop on Staten Island, caused his death.
This has nothing to do with Garner being a piece of crap, cigarette selling scumbag or even resisting arrest, since he was already in restraints when he was killed.

The suspect was in restraints, fact. He was complaining that he can't breathe, fact. Is there any reason why the officers couldn't simply roll the fat fucl< over or let him sit up? Was he going to hop up and scamper away in a cloud of loose cigarettes?

Again, he didn't just happen to croak. According to the autopsy, he showed unmistakable evidence of neck and chest compression. He WAS cuffed. But hey, they couldn't have rolled him over or sat his fat ass up?

However, that's not even the good part. Most amusingly, they didn't even get an indictment against the badge monkey. You can indict a ham sandwich, but not a pig.

And the cause for this confrontation, selling cigarettes?

Perhaps some might say a victimless crime, assuming that said cigarettes will be smoked in private.

In truth, smoking a cigarette in public is a FAR more offensive and disgusting act. In 2014, you still have people lighting up their cancer sticks in public, and polluting the air and ruining the smell for all of those around them. Talk about people who are selfish, inconsiderate scum.

I'm allergic to cigarette smoke, something in the smoke triggers Migraine headaches for me. I guess it's still fashionable in society to not look down on smokers...only a matter of time till that changes.

I am certainly anti-smoking.

And if I sound "anti-cop" -- whatever that's supposed to mean...that means at least I'm not one of these insufferable Copsuckers that are coming out of the woodwork.

How militarized are our badge monkeys compared to their German counterparts? This from NBC...

German police officers fired a total of 85 bullets in 2011, 49 of which were warning shots, the German publication Der Spiegel reported. Officers fired 36 times at people, killing six and injuring 15. This is a slight decline from 2010, when seven people were killed and 17 injured. Ninety-six shots were fired in 2010.

Meanwhile, in the United States, The Atlantic reported that in April, 84 shots were fired at one murder suspect in Harlem, and another 90 at an unarmed man in Los Angeles.
The reality is that, once they say they 'I was scarred' -- badge monkeys have no real consequences and accountability. If they can sell the idea that they're scarred, They can kill anybody or shoot anything they want...dogs, cats, bystanders, you, me, anything at all.

But that's not my biggest problem with law enforcement. I've had a clean record and virtually zero encounters with one infuriating speeding ticket I received last year.

My biggest problem with cops is that law enforcement is no longer about "protect and serve" but it is used as a revenue generator.

Speed traps during rush hour traffic is a prime example of this.

Is this "real" police work? Of course not, BUT, it creates revenue for whatever town/city/state/municipality. Quotas, Quotas, Fines, Fines, Tickets, Tickets.

It's all complete BS.

So you end up with some gung-ho, roided up sergeant wannabe, who is playing tough guy with some tax paying person who they "busted" for going 9-miles-per-hour over the speed limit on their way home.

But hey, there IS money to be made by writing a $212 ticket to some unlucky bastard who's in a hurry to get home so he can take out the trash before his girlfriend gets home from work.

Cops don't deserve any respect. That respect has to be earned, and earned as a unit, not on an individual basis. Sure, it's a tough job...but if you can't handle it, go sell shoes at the mall!

Back to the Garner case, I'd REALLY like to get outraged by this horrific story but I just find myself unable.

Cigarettes are disgusting. People who smoke in public are vile. This guy was offering a service (a so-called victimless crime) that would potentially enable detestable people from committing the heinous act of smoking in public (a should-be serious crime)

Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. I support the NYPD pigs in their heroic crusade to rid the streets of scum who push they taxed or untaxed.

Last edited by Calzone Lord : 12-10-2014 at 12:03 AM.
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