I know the context because I was watching it live you fuc king buffoon. I wasn't sitting in my ivory tower waiting for Fox News to tell me why it's ok to blame poor/black people for the latest issue. There were 20-30 people in the street chanting and that was the police's response. Yay America.
This is why I don't venture into these threads often, because it raises my blood pressure to actually interact with someone as dangerously ignorant and out-of-touch as Rupert. But I'm glad you like the police in America looking like Mubarak's army in Egypt in that video. It should tell everyone never to take any of your libertarian "get big gubmint out of my life" bullshit seriously ever again. Because the militarization of the police is the biggest government overreach there could be and while it was happening you stood there waving your pom pom's for it.