Originally Posted by repent
lol DaHoss,
you dont know me dude.
nor should you from conversing with me on a horse racing internet forum.
this is not life.
Im not self loathing.
I do what I want to when I want to.
i dont answer to anyone b/c Im fortunate enough to where I dont have to.
Im not saying im a great person or anything like that.
but I am who I want to be.
You know that Corgan line, "whatever I wanted to be, I already am"?
thats it.
ppl are not the ppl they want to be b/c they accept responsibilities in life that they do not want or never intended to.
my only responsibility is to myself.
enough about me. thats not the point of this thread.
im still convinced youre essentially an internet persona -- because youve admitted to being a skinny f*ck, and nobody with your stature could stand up for his beliefs without getting his ass beaten dozens of times