Originally Posted by RHT2004
I think you need to get over it. You type a lot of garbage around here. AP ran pretty much the same race he always runs, w/ the exception of the giant performance @Monmouth. He is not a super horse. He is a very good 3yr old. He won the triple crown and that cant ever be taken away from him. But Frosted engaged him early and he lost. I do believe there were different circumstances that would have led to an AP victory, but I don't believe he is some super horse, and you continue to post that all over this place. The speed figures on beyer and timeform are in line w/ almost every race he has run. How can you say it wasn't AP or he had a bad day. That's simply not true, at all. But you continue to spew drivel. You cant be objective about the horse. At least admit it, and maybe try to move on.
Get over the fact that I among many are AP fans and aren't afraid to admit he is a super horse and far above "very good" as you so ineptly put it. And I'll say it again he wasn't the real AP in the Travers or Keen Ice and the rest would have had another long range shot of his buttox as so many have before . . . oh and get over this . . . he did have a bad day and if that's spewing drivel . . . so be it but it's very good drivel.