Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
My stepmom and stepbrothers came to this country as political refugees. They didn't speak English. One stepbrother now has a Masters in Psychology and the other works for the company his father-in-law founded (his father-in-law, before he passed away, kidded to us that if my stepbrother and his wife ever split up, they were going to keep my stepbrother. ) They're awesome fathers to their kids, and just good human beings all around.
My stepmom found work here as a nurse's aide and is the extraordinary grandmother to eight grand- and step-grandkids.
If they'd stayed where they were, they likely would have died as children, and my stepmom, in her 20s.
F*ck those who want to close the borders to people fleeing war and persecution. We're the f*cking US of A; we're better than that.
Different time different set of refugee's. I'm not a betting man but I am willing to bet the refugee's that your family came in with weren't infiltrated with those wanting to and willing to invoke acts of terror and kill as many of us as possible.