Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
This guy pledged support to both ISIL and Hezbollah, who are in conflict with each other. What he didn't understand about actual Islamic extremism would fill an encyclopedia. He was a closeted homophobe.
As for his (physically and emotionally abused) wife, I suspect she figured reporting it to the cops would go something like this:
1) She calls FBI/police
2) They investigate, find no grounds to do anything
3) He kills her
What you can count on is that a mass shooter will most likely be white, and almost certainly be male. Dig a little bit into his character and you'll find out he likely also hates women and brown folk which he'll have expounded at at some length about on the internet.
But sure, let's blame it on the religion a lot of brown folk practice. Move along, nothing to see here.
No let's blame it on your father for being a worthless drunk and not raising you to be a sane person instead of an apologist for a religion that oppresses women far more than Christianity, you mentally-stunted dumb f.uck.