Did i go too far?
Just had a little incident with our soon to be 8 year old son and it kind of was the straw that broke the camels back.So i instituted RULES.I took away his tv and stereo as well as all computer privileges till this coming Friday night.I also told him if he asks when he can get his stuff back,one more day will be added for everytime he asks.He must pick up better after himself.When asked to do something it's to be done.What is put in front of him for dinner must be eaten or at least tried and pizza is limited to 3 days a week.If he doesen't want to eat he may be excused.You know that only saying you'll never be like your parents it's BULL$HIT.My folks came from Europe and my brother and i understood discipline.Did i go too far?Any opinions or comments are welcome.Thank you.Mark.