I love the Derby. I have been attending for the past 18 years and every year I gain a greater appreciation of the horses, owners, trainers, etc.
I am a big NUMBERS guy so I always spend a countless number of hours every year gathering statistics on each horse. My friends have been urging me to start a website to sell my Derby stats. Please register at www.Derbystats.com for $10. You will receive over 150 stats for each Derby horse a few days before the race. Each stat will be in a sortable format that will allow you to rank, sort, add calculations, etc. It is a fun way to handicapp. Also, if when you register, I will provide weekly emails with Prep race updates, odd and end statistics and other Derby type information. In addition I have a members only section with access to some Derby stats. This will help fund my Derby trip and give you a bit different information on the Derby. Please support me at www.Derbystats.com and tell your friends. Sean www.Derbystats.com |