why not have a p4 carryover at gulfstream
Monmouth and Sam Houston have carryovers for p4, why not Gulfstream ? They paid out 3 of 4 for $974 today, and there were 5 live horses for 4/4 out of 12 running. There were 4 @ $123K and 1 at $61K for $2. What a boost it would give them to have a $100-200k p4 carryover for the next day, when their P6 doesnot get much play. Since the racing secretary is inserting $6500 claimers and 12500nw2l as part of the p4 sequence, I have stopped playing them. I will not shotgun a p4, if its not handicappable, its not getting my $$$. BUT, if they changed their rules and had a p4 carryover, it might get very interesting.