Originally Posted by IrishofNDMan
Ok, you can wait and let the Tigers show you that they are back. So if that's the case and you are waiting for them to show you something, then why do you have to bash them and say they had one lucky year. Instead of talking trash about them, why don't you wait and see before you pass judgment on them. But, baseball is my sport, and I have been watching the Tigers for years now and knew they were on the right path. My dad had a nice little bet on them in Vegas last year to make the World Series, then he put a little of his winnings on them to win it.
This team is the real deal. And Brandon Inge is the man!
Most important answer to your question? Because I think that they aren't as good as they looked last year. Waiting and seeing is boring. I'd much rather be able to resurrect this thread this fall after they miss the playoffs and be able to say I was right.
What fun would that be if I said, "Well, let's wait and see."
Picking winners is all about passing judgment. If you don't agree, I'd be hard pressed to take you seriously as a horseplayer.