All charges being dropped
It was just announced by the NC Attorney General's Office that all charges are being dropped in the Duke LaCrosse case. Charges against all three young men.
There was no DNA to link these men to the alleged rape of this African American woman who was an exotic dancer. Of course that was known sometime ago, still the District Attorney in this case pushed forward even when this woman could not identify these men, nor could she keep from changing her story numerous times. The District Attorney, as most know by now, wanted and needed the vote of the black community in order to keep his position. He got that. Though now, he faces quite a long list of ethic charges by the NC Bar Association. This entire case has been a nightmare from the beginning, at which time this young woman was seen as a poor African American woman violated by three elitist white guys from Duke University, all the sons of wealthy parents. She was lying from day one. I wonder if Rev Al Sharpton and Rev.Jesse Jackson will have anything to say about the outcome of this particular case. I wonder if they will demand that this young African American woman apologize for her lying, along with the District Attorney Mike Nifong who withheld evidence in the case. (His disbarrment would be more suitable.) I doubt this bit of news this morning will get anywhere near the press that Imus has gotten in the last three days. And that's a shame because it is every bit as newsworthy as the other debacle. This case had a profound and detrimental affect on the lives of these young men and their families. And it has been the biggest embarrassment ever, to the state of North Carolina. I doubt you'll see Al and Jesse commenting on this on tonights national news. And that, I believe, is racism at its most obvious. |