Are poles adjusted in turf races when the rail is shifted?
A friend asked me this question, and I don't know the answer, even though I should:
"Are the poles movable? Depending on where the rails are set (zero, fifteen or thirty feet at SA, may be different at other tracks), the 1/4, 1/2, etc. poles should be moved forward as the rails move out. The quarter pole should have a very slight adjustment as it is usually near the end of the turn, but the half pole, when the rail is set at 30 feet, should be positioned 94 feet ahead of where it is when the rails are at zero. Is this the way it's done? I'm sure the start of the race is moved forward, but I was wondering about the poles, too. Anyone know? " --Dunbar
Curlin and Hard Spun finish 1,2 in the 2007 BC Classic, demonstrating how competing in all three Triple Crown races ruins a horse for the rest of the year...see avatar photo from REUTERS/Lucas Jackson |