Originally Posted by SentToStud
I don't like answering a question with one of my own but.... How exactly is Hamas going to destroy Israel? It's certainly awful rhetoric, the rockets they launch kill innocent people and I certainly don't blame Hamas opposition in Israel for responding as strongly as possible. But I find it hard to see how they can do it. I certainly don't believe they can do it on their own. And if no other Arab states chose to jump into Lebanon, I can't see them supporting the Palestinians in any extended conflict. Frankly, the Palestinians are the hillbillies of the Arab world. No one -- Arab or Non-Arab -- gives a rat's ass about the Palestinians except one country - Israel. That's because they must do so.
So I guess they just go on making each other miserable with constant terror. I really dont think Israel wants this. I'm not so sure about Hamas. I really believe Israel thinks they can make peace with the Palestinians. I really believe the majority of Israeli's would not at all mind living next to a Palestinian state both on the coast and encompassing part of Jerusalem... A thriving economically viable, thriving, Palestinian state. Think of the tourism if there were piece. So many religious groups want to visit to Jerusalem. So many people would love to lay on the beaches in Gaza...
Does anyone really believe Hamas wants women in bathing suits enjoying themselves along with men on beaches in Gaza? Does anyone really believe they would ever tolerate trade and peace between Palestinians and Israeli's? I think its a very fundamental problem. Freedom of worship, individual rights, those sexy Western ideas that just wont go over.
So we get death instead.