Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
As you see, folks ...
... when you stand up to these guys ... they eventualy get so frustrated and emotional that they expose their true selves.
We're clearly dealing here with a bunch of America-haters ... who have no real ideas ... but whose every word, move, and reflex is controlled by a hatred for the country which has protected them and allowed them to live in security and freedom.
At some point ... it becomes useless to continue debate with them ... because they're not only beyond reason ... they're even beyond humiliation and shame.
So that takes all the fun out it. How much more could I have humiliated them? And yet their hatred makes them impervious to even knowing how utterly foolish they look.
Notice again, no answer to the question about loyalties and traitors. What a surprise. Once again, avoid the question. You are so full of it it is amazing. Did Rush or Sean teach you that yesterday afternoon? I love the attack on grammar and spelling on a chat site. That is hilarious. Some of us type quickly.