Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
I notice you conveniently left out every country I mentioned ... where we backed a dictator against communist aggression ... then after we defeated communism ... we helped Taiwan, South Korea, The Phillipines, Chile, Nicaragua, and El Salvador become free democracies.
You did mention Nicaragua ... but to what end? We helped defeat the communists and it's now a free democracy ... did you prefer a different outcome ... and what would that outcome have been?
Congo? Are you serious? That was a Belgian colony which never even made it on our radar. We never had ... and never wanted ... any influence there.
Idi Amin? We always worked against him ... and now Uganda is an emerging democracy. Another successful strategy and outcome. What would you have preferred?
Pol Pot? He was a murderous communist whom we worked against ... but unfortunately we couldn't prevent from coming to power after the communists swept into South Vietnam ... after our Democrat Congress shamelessly abandoned our allies by completely cutting off our aid.
How about Iran? That was a case where numbskull Jimmuh abandoned a pro-western dictator ... the shah ... and handed the country over to the fanatical mullahs ... and the entire world has been paying a horrible price ever since. Doncha think that staying with the shah would have been better than the idiotic strategy of Jimmuh ... the worst president we've ever had?
And Vietnam? Another horrible mistake of not backing a pro-western Christian dictator ... Diem. Did I say not backing him? Hey .. the idiot Kennedy had him murdered! Again ... was not backing a pro-western dictator in South Vietnam a good idea?
Yes, my friend ... there are times when choosing the lesser of two evils yields beneficial results ... South Korea, Taiwan, The Phillipines, Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador ... and other times when NOT backing a dictator leads to even worse results ... Vietnam, Iran.
You do see that now ... don't you?
Who ever said anything about whether or not Nixon knew anything? YOU made the claim that "we never wanted or had any influence in the Congo" which is WRONG. Quit spinning and just admit that you are an ignorant uninformed fool.
Shall i get to the idi amin part?