anyone playing on PokerStars? I was but today I decided that there are way too many suckouts. Sure, there are bad beats here and there. Aces get cracked often. But they intentionally set you up time and again. The one that killed it for me today was pocket Qs. The flop was 10 10 7. No over cards but I could be beat. I bet, he raises, I call. The turn card is a Queen. Sweet Fullhouse Queens over 10s. I bet he raises I re-raise he puts me all in.
cards are turned up. I was up against pockets Aces. Wow he has to be upset getting Aces cracked. I got him... or so I thought. Ace comes on the river. I'm done. Just over the top with 2nd best hands. if you are ahead at the flop or turn card you won't be on the river. This isn't luck this is by design. my idea for a new PokerStars t-shirt "I got sucked out at PokerStars"