Tom Petty and the Network.......
Tom Petty and the halftime show was good I thought. He and The Heartbreakers have always been a great band for alot of years. Just a thought on the songs they played, and they came to be chosen. Anybody besides me think the Fox Network yahoos, picked out the final 3 songs, and only gave Petty the choice of 1? I was pumped when the music started up to "American Girl" a great rockin tune, I've always liked. Then, I freakin called the next 3 as I sat here, and damn if he didn't go into the commerical HITS HELL in playing "Free Fallin", "I Won't Back Down" and "Running Down A Dream"! All fine songs, no doubt, but you freakin know the FOX goofs handpicked those tunes! I'd rather have heard "Breakdown" , "Refugee" , and "The Waiting" as follow-ups! How about you all?