Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Poor decisions? How about living in trailers in twister country? Huh? Why don't we just ignore their problems too? That's Socialism(helping them.)Geedubbya got real generous when he saw their torn up trailers.All the sudden he turned a part-time Socialist and said "The Government can help too." Capitalism would be to round them up,and tell them they are now fkd.Time to rake leafs for your rich doctor dad......Hurry up,two or three people on this block need leafs raked up.
What did you do to help the victims of Katrina out? When Hurricane Katrina hit, I did as much charity work as I possibly could at the time. My honor club at my college got as many toys and goods (food etc.) as we possibly could to send to them. I think the federal government should donate money to organizations to help people because the organizations will most likely know how to distribute the funds better. I don't have a problem with that when a natural disaster occurs. I don't think the government should directly give money to the people. I have no problem in giving people money that deserve it. It's just there are a lot of people that don't deserve it. People that need to get off their asses, work, and make better decisions (i.e. universal health care and welfare)