Originally Posted by somerfrost
Of course it's not that simple...it never is! It's like abortion, and lets not go down that road again so Mersameg can say I'm not a feminist. Here's the thing, I believe all life is sacred...I oppose abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, and all other forms of legalized "death by others" (notice I refrain from using the word "murder" to not stoke the fire). Of course the last thing in this world I want is to see ANYBODY suffer! I no longer support reversing Roe, nor do I support any criminalization of suicide. In regards to Roe, it's useless to close the barn door, the horses have long since run away...my objection is the government "legalizing" abortion. Had it been simply "decriminalized" and left to the woman, it wouldn't have had the sociological impact of lessening the value of life. Euthanasia is indeed a "slippery slope"...who decides who has the right to take their life? Does a 16 year old who just broke up with the "love of his/her life?" How about the 19 year old suffering from schizophrenia? The 30 year old who lost a child? The 40 year old struggling through a lifetime of depression? The 50 year old cancer patient? Is pain the criteria? How much pain? Who decides?? If it's the person then that's where free will and consequences for personal behavior come in...but if the government "legalizes" euthanasia then we're one step closer to eating Soilent Green! Do we want to live in a society where "death parlors" are on every corner like McD's? When will folks understand that you can't legislate morality and the government has no right in the private affairs of people? I live by the Rede and it says, "and ye harm none, do what ye will"...so I will never take my own life through any physical act and I'm damn well opposed to others making that decision for me. What you decide is governed by your faith, circumstance, and belief....I am responsible for what I do, and you are likewise...keep the damn government out of it!
I think I was pretty specific about when I thought euthanasia is a black and white situation. You seemed to take it down the slippery slope to areas where I think it isn't so black and white. But, and I'm not lumping you into this catgory, many like you do that with issues. The NRA comes to mind right away. But you did it this time with your examples of a kid breaking up, schitzo, etc. That wasn't even part of the conversation or was ever remotely considered or proposed that I have ever heard of
I guess I was confused because you started out, I think, saying you oppose what Kivorkian did, but then say that the end "I'm damn well opposed to others making that decision for me"?