Originally Posted by -BT-
weren’t you an accounting major?
come on man crunch the numbers and make it an LLC... what?
i mean i'm down to chase some big pools with ya'll
my only question is:
- do the players that put in the majority of the money have more "pull" or influence on the ticket and structure then say the 1-2 share cat? Or is this a gathering of minds and people's picks won't be judged by their investment size?
just a curious little question
either way, draw it up and i'll have my attorney get back to ya
There would be three people (Philcski/Golfer/Scav) that would talk the ticket out and come up with a ticket. These three would be the executors, these people would put 1k in, all others would be considered investors, like buying shares in a company.
The opportunity to listen to the conversation via a conference call type format would be available(probably at 7:30pm the night before), where us three would be talking out the card and coming up with ideas, but a gathering of the minds can cause controversy and chaos, which isn't what this is about.
When buying into a syndicate, not all people have a say, you are buying into an investment opportunity and trusting the people in charge to turn a profit. Obviously this is on a much smaller scale then most sydicates, but I can tell you that you will have some run for the money you will be investing, being alive on a 1k ticket is a hell of a lot easier then being alive on a $24 ticket.