Originally Posted by SentToStud
I liked it better when you ranted about that deadbeat wannabe Turkish singing kid.
Not to move you off this but, you know, when you get a chance, I'd appreciate it.
Thank you very much.
That's a sign your uncomfortable with the particular discussion. You want to attack the messenger. That's what people do when they find a conversation getting too heavy for their taste. That's something my Dad would do. If a conversation veers in a direction that he knows people won't agree, he will try to change the topic, by attacking the messenger. If I talked too much about that Turkish kid, you would point that out, too. I don't know if the problem (for you) is the subject of the discussion, or the fact you think somebody is getting too much attention ( by having the particular discussion.) You're obviously trying to change the subject(stop the discussion you're uncomfortable with.)