and you have a republican governor who is against gun control. i think you better look around and realize that there are people in your state, as well as every state, who also are anti-abortion, and hunt and own guns. just like there are plenty of people here in the south who are pro-choice, think gay marriage is ok ( as they think the govt should be out of our private lives as much as possible) and are desirous of gun control. you paint a pretty broad picture-and you've probably never been here, and never spoken to anyone who lives here. believe it or not, we have running water and indoor plumbing. no doubt there are folks where you live scuds who are also very liberal, yet you have a conservative governor-so the POV in your own state is a varied one. yet you don't understand that the same happens all over the country.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |