Originally Posted by hi_im_god
it's ugly.
i like mccain. i cast a meaningless vote for him the 2000 california primary well after bush had locked up the nomination.
i think this is the price we pay as a nation for the lee atwater/karl rove lie to the easily deceived style of politics.
the fact that it's going to turn around and cost them a few more senate, house and state legislative seats does give me a nice sense of schadenfreude. i admit to that character flaw.
i try not to think about how different things could be if mccain hadn't been smeared in s carolina. or if people weren't so f'in stupid they buy crap like mccain had a black child out of wedlock or obama was a muslim.
i despair for a country where the short term political benefit of such lies makes smart people tell them to idiotic sheep.
Unfortunately it is like that pretty much everywhere where you actually have a vote