No, it is not anti-semetic, it is anti religious wackos. There are plenty of religious wackos that are muslims and christians. The fact is Israel is a nation built on a religion, just like a lot of muslim countries. This is 2009, intelligent people know religions are man made and have no place in the governing of people. All I know is the US is not run by a religion and we don't seem to have the problems the neanderthals in the middle east have. What makes these religious wackos any more important than poor people in Africa? I have no problem giving money to poor people, I have a problem giving my money to crazy countries to buy weapons and blow each other up. If backwards countries like Israel and Egypt want weapons they should use their own people's tax dollars, not mine. I prefer my tax dollars go to American schools and healthcare for people in MY OWN COUNTRY.[/quote] Okay Einstein, What are we to do if and when they blow each other off of the map? Answer this honestly.
"A person who saw no important difference between the fire outside a Neandrathal's cave and a working thermo-nuclear reactor might tell you that junk bonds and derivatives BOTH serve to energize capital" - Nathan Israel |