Originally Posted by paisjpq
I didn't mean you and joel I meant steve's frustration....
I don't think it is appropriate to bash horses for any reason because they are never the one's responsible for the hype surrounding them (brother Derek) nor are they responsible when they running out of their ability level (ex. Funny Cide)--Yup I groomed a buch of nags in addition to Henny...
But I also don't really think it's useful to bash a trainer when his horse throws a bad race--pre-race comments are not always true, but on the other hand a horse can fool his trainer too and then the trainer is left with egg on his face...
Last week a very famous trainer said to me...'I don't understand it I've got all the favorites and can't win a f*cking race' Obviously that is not going to be printed in the DRF....
That trainer is certainly not the first guy to say something like that. And he won't be the last.
Steve knows DAMN well from our conversations off the board that there a few guys who I'm REALLY bashing!!!! Guys who make the guy I have bashed who is Steve's friend look like ****ing Ben or Jimmy jones!!!
I'm consistent in who I bash, perhaps you haven't read me long enough to know that. When I see guys who have a barn full of very expensive horses who consistently win very few or no races, they are gonna draw my wrath.
Ask Steve about our conversation about a certain guy named after a city in Texas.