Originally Posted by Riot
"They" are just like the overwhelming majority of their Christian or Jewish or Buddist or atheist fellow humans on this planet: they are going about their peaceful, moral lives, raising families, putting food on the table, working.
"Avoid using your left hand while eating unless you are left-handed, though you may use it to peel fruits or separate meat from bones. In any case make sure that your left hand does not carry any food up to your mouth (due to explicit and strict cautioning against this in the Sunnah").
Now, you say they are like us. When's the last time you smacked a kid around for eating left-handed? I can bring someone in here, and he will tell you he got smacked around pretty good for eating left-handed (gee..he's left-handed...big surprise that he wanted to use his left hand.) All this because their proph thought people wouldn't overeat so much if they had to use just one hand to eat with.