Where were you 5 years ago tommorrow
I was at bldg 250 at JFK airport which is the US postal service international mail facility.They are 1 of my larger accounts.I got there about 8 o'clock and was in there registry department when i heard on the radio that a small plane had hit the world trade center.As i went upstairs to see my contact who was the safety manager for the facility he says to me lets go up on the roof which has a clear view of lower Manhattan.We see the smoke and then this huge red fireball (but the plane came in where we couldn't see) without missing a beat he tells me Mark let's go back down.We learn of the 2nd plane and right away he goes into action and informs me to leave the building.My wife gets hold of me and tells me to go to an ATM and take out cash and i tell her i'm on my way to pick up our son at day care.i'm listening to Imus in the morning and he has Warner Wolf who had been doing sports on his show and who lived very close to the trade centers and was giving blow by blow description.i stayed off the highways which were becoming real bad and to the side roads to get our son.By the way my wife works in Manhattan and at the time was about 3 miles from ground zero.i got our son and cash but was not able to get through to my wife anymore since cell phones were so busy at that time.I finally got through to her and she told me her and some coworkers were figuring how to get out of the city and where to pick her up.Needless to say everything worked out and we were all together in front of the TV as well as i'm sure most of you were.