Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
We know ya don't get it. On this, you're simply unteachable. He blew away Hillary n' McCain with one of the best organized campaigns ever. People worked very hard for him. Now, somehow, in that brain of Gales, this is not registering as leadership. Hey, I underestimated his ability to get people to follow him(Gales, people follow leaders.) Somehow, he got more votes in Indiana(Bush won there by like 15 n' 20%.) That cost me 2k(in winnings...only $50 in money bet.) Gales, three hours after I made the bet, guess what happened. Seems Mr. Obama (who you say can't lead) somehow got Mr. Colin Powell to disagree with you on that. Guess what. Scuds boat was sunk in Indiana on that day. BTW, your only shot at beating OBAMA in 2012 is by somehow convincing this other guy(POWELL) to run. It's about those independent voters, and you're not gunna get them with a Bush, a Newt, or a Holy Roller Hockey Mom. Keep talking about what experience they've had running stuff. It doesn't matter. They will not vote for them. The rich Mormon that talks down to people? They ain't gunna vote for him. Look at who ya just tried to win with. You tried to win with an opposition leader. Other than Powell, that's pretty much all you've got(opposition leaders.) What is Jeb Bush? He's pretty much Bob Dole without the pencil in his hand. You keep ridin' that puppy. See where it gets ya.
tell me why if Jeb goes he ain't going to win florida , he's is , if things ain't better 4 yrs from now and we ain't moving forward ,gpk will tell you NC and VA will go back to the Republican side. As for Ohio and Indiana - these 2 states will go the way of the economy , he ain't winning those on message , people will have to be working porductivly for him to win there , no redo the numbers and all of a sudden it don't look like a landslide
don't forget scuds , this race was a tired old 72 yr man vs a young vibrant 47 yr old , he won't have the luxury of running against a guy that doesn't want the job next time- we shall see