Scat Daddy is talented. My problem is that over the past horses from that barn have not gone on so I am skeptical about any of them. Clearly Circular Quay and Scat Daddy are talented but I will take a wait and see approach. Too many of Pletcher's horses disappear as quickly as they appear.
Don't get me wrong, the guy is a terrific trainer, who runs a superior operation, but with the " win-early " focus unfortunately we have seen too much burnout. That is somewhat why Circular Quay intrigues me, as his running style doesn't fit their normal profile, but so far none of the early flashes from that barn ( at least as far as colts are concerned because Ashado was around forever ) have really panned out. But, they get too many well bred and talented horses to not eventually have some major TC contendors. And I don't mean ridiculously overhyped bums like Bandini. |