Originally Posted by dellinger63
wasn't that education? Our Chi town magnet schools (that rank near the top in the State and nation) can't do any better. You can't fix stupid ever and to try becomes a money 'mudhole' that f's everyone. Remember 'ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country'?
PS I'm working on my 'Adopt an Amigo' health/immigration bi-partisan plan which allows the bi-partisn panel appointees to 'locate' that huge amount of wasted Medcaid $$$ and apply it to a managed health care plan for illegals and with every insured illegal an illegal gets to go home. The negatives are none and the possitives are huge. Give it a year!!!!
Good post.
And really if most of the uninsured looked like this...
I would totally be for free mammograms.