Arbitrary recission to make a profit. A company who exists to profit on the lack of people getting ill isn't the one to depend upon for taking care of ill peole. Ill people are expensive. Thank goodness my condition isn't life-threatening.
Do you realize how, as I was rescinded, insurance companies rescind children with cancer? Chronic liver and kidney diseases? Withhold approval for treatments? Refuse to insure a child for the rest of it's life - unless the parents would like to pay several thousand a month and have alot of stuff excluded for life?
There are women who can't get a second c-section paid for, because their first child was born C-section, and it's now a "pre-existing condition" the insurance company will not cover a second time, even if the second baby is in distress, breech, etc?
Do you realize that teenage acne treatment by a family GP is a pre-existing condition that can, decades later, preclude any treatment at all for skin cancers when one is old?
That life-threatening asthma attacks in children, who have to go to the ER, may not be covered because the family doc diagnosed the kid with allergies to house dust several years back, and recommended a Zyrtec when the nose got a little runny?
You can't be serious that charity should take over the primary care of severely ill children in our country? Rather than their parents purchasing insurance?
Isn't that a bit communistic? !!
Depending upon other citizens to pay one's way?
This is America. We take care of our own, yes. But most want to take care of themselves as much as they can. Not hope charity will help your leukemic child, as your insurance company, the insurance you bought because you were a responsible, planning-ahead, self-reliant American - dumped you.
People who purchase and pay for insurance for their children, before the children get sick, shouldn't have the children suffer poor medical care or death because the insurance company decides to cut their losses in the middle of the childs' treatment.
Ditto, Bless Our Troops!