Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
I never "claimed it isn't a real one". I stated the fact that the document released is not an actual full-length birth certificate. Is that relevant? I don't know.
I do know that Obama refuses to release his actual full-length birth certificate. Every time someone sues to force him to release it, his lawyers go to court and fight tooth and nail to keep it from being made public.
I have no idea where Obama was born. I assume he was born in Hawaii but it seems pretty suspicious that he is spending tons of money on lawyers to make sure that his full-length birth certificate is not released. Why doesn't he just release it and end the controversy? Wouldn't that be easier than constantly going to court?
Do you have a theory on why Obama has been spending tens of thousands, if not millions of dollars on lawyers to battle in court to make sure his full-length birth certificate is not made public?
i think it's an effort to keep the birther movement around so he can use it to paint all conservatives as conspiracy obsessed wack jobs by association.
face it. nothing will convince birthers. nothing.