Originally Posted by somerfrost
I just didn't like Kerry...all that crap about him mortgaging his home while he's married to one of the richest women around...I plain didn't trust him, besides he looked like Lurch! Algore? How can you vote for that squirrel? I mean besides inventing the internet...lol! I just hope the Dems nominate someone I can vote for!!! I want Hillary to be the nominee! There are a couple more I could support but she's at the top of my list! Now if the republicans nominate Rudy...I'd have to think about it...I do like that guy!
Oh no! No! Somer, I beg of you; don't fall for the Giuliani hype! I'll find some links...
I wish the Gore who showed up to the MTV Video Awards...
"I actually was not intending to be here tonight, but then MTV explained that Justin Timberlake was bringing sexy back."
... had been around in 2000. Oy. What is it about running for President that turns candidates into two-by-fours? Gore, Kerry, Dole...