Originally Posted by Linny
Some folks just want to complain. Let's face it, event food is usually expensive. Vendors who are both on and off site charge more when they have the captive audience. (Only at the track would I pay $4 for an ice cream bar!!!)
For those that want to bash NYRA over this, try feeding your family at Yankee Stadium or at a Forest Hills tennis match. Locally, food and beverage at SPAC or the arena in Albany costs plenty more than the same meal offsite. If the prices offend, bring your own, at least at the track you still can do that.
I find the prices at Carolina BBQ to be quite acceptable and the food very good. Whatever your budget for a day at the track, there is a way to make it work. Don't want to slurge on food, go get a hot dog and soda at the little shack outside the clubhouse gate, it's about $4.50. Save more by bringing your own.
$12 for 16 oz Corona's at AA arena in Miami
$8 for hot dog at The Jerry Jones Dome/ $10 for a hamburger