Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
It really is a despicable religion, and someone should make sure this lady is well taken care of. They'll go hassle a preacher for even planning to burn a book, but I don't hear OBAMA calling out the people who are threatening this lady. You can't be shocked that people think he's Muslim. He is definitely spotty about supporting certain people's 1st amendment rights. He deserves to be punished come this election. Maybe he'll think twice about discouraging some people from using their 1st amendment rights. He should be a lot more interested in protecting this lady than worrying about what Muslims (anywhere) think about burning printed paper. Where is the president's concern about protecting American Citizens from these thugs? It is pathetic to have Americans be threatened by these Muslims. He better show concern (fake or real) for this soon, because it's outrageous.
Of course Obama isnt calling out these radicals. Isnt he also a Muslim? He would bend over for these radicals instead of his own country.