It's Christmas
That's what Jeff Mullins (and actually most of the Socal trainers)think about training on the allweather surface at Hollywood Park.The management at H.P. is having to work hard to get trainers to bring only half of their horses to Hollywood Park(even though there are no races there right now.)Most trainers are thrilled with this surface,because they will be able to now train their horses as much as they would like(trainers have always lost more horses to morning injuries than to race injuries.)I think their is no doubt that some horses perform very well when they train on this surface,and then race on dirt.The field sizes in Socal should go way up at this HWD PARK meeting coming up.It would appear that Mullins is saving most of his starters for HWD.He obviously loves that surface(as far as his horse's health is concerned.)I would agree with the concerns of a few on here about the results of the actual races on this surface.I am not convinced that all tracks will be racing on it,but I think almost all tracks will have it to train on.They will have to do that,because people who train on it are gunna have so many less physical problems with their horses.