Originally Posted by oracle80
Beth the recommended wear off times vary from horse to horse based on a number of factors, come on you know that.
I'm not defending illegal drugs, but I'm extremelt tired of certain national columnists painting everyone with the same brush who gets a positive regardless of its nature. Of course the same guy has written a lot of pump articles for a buddy of his who he claims tobe so great, who has had more postives than a planned parenthood clinic in a college town.
Ths is irrepsonsible journalism thats causing the public to believe that a trace amount of therapeutic medicine is the same as monkeying one up on raceday with high test go go juice.
Its just not so.
but would you not agree that some of what is wrong with racing is the reliance on, and the acceptance of, theraputic medications? It is what has allowed many horsemen to get away with running horses that simply need TIME OFF. If this horse had a lung infection...great. treat him and give him some days...instead they obviously came too close to the withdrawl window and it caught up with them...I do not feel sorry for them.