Originally Posted by somerfrost
Genocide is generally applied to the systematic destruction/killing of a certain group of people, Gadhafi has repeated said he will show no mercy to those who oppose his rule. There is evidence that his goon squads have fired into groups of civilians and this would surely be a slaughter were they to gain control of areas of Libya under control of rebels. Also, to be clear, this started as a peaceful movement on the part of Libyan citizens seeking basic human rights, it was Gadhafi who initiated the violence, those referred to as "rebels" are mostly innocent civilians forced to defend themselves, most are not trained in even the use of firearms etc. They are not "rebels" as we often think of them.
I don't know if they are as clueless as you think they are. They do have anti-aircraft guns. Not too many people have them hooked up on the old pickup incase a crazy dictator decided to bomb your hometown. I have no idea what has been happening in Libya before the uprisings. It appears that there was some organizing forces that wanted Gadhafi out and was actively working towards that which is probably why the reaction has been so harsh. Didn't they have a plane shot down the other day?