Originally Posted by dellinger63
No I think psychologists who have somehow come to the conclusion that individual pedophiles do not have any gender preference are confused.
When a child molester boards a plane for Thailand do you think he/she will hire which ever gender comes their way or do they know which sex they are looking for? I obviously think the later. Child molestation is IMO one of the most horrible crimes there is as the victim is always completely innocent. To not recognize the signs and clues because of some false, accepted, theory is dangerous.
BTW I know far more girls who were molested than I do boys despite attending 12 years of catholic school. And they are all forever injured some far worse than others.
i googled "do pedophiles display gender preferences?" and could find no link suggesting they didn't. whatever widespread opinion you think there is otherwise has managed to elude the internet.
maybe you set up a straw man argument sometime in the past and then forgot about it so are now arguing with your past self. because i don't know who else it could be.