yeah, i know all that. i've bitched before on here about our years of foreign policy being predicated on the belief that 'the enemy of our enemy is our friend'. it's how afganistan got rid of russia, and how iraq fended off iran in their war. whoever russia backed guaranteed our involvement for the other side. didn't make sense then, and we're still suffering the repercussions of it now. ron paul is non-intervenionist...that's fine. but when he criticized us going in and killing bin laden-well, i disagree. and warn pakistan ahead of time? that would be counter-productive. anyone who voted for obama must surely be critical of pretty much every step he's taken the last two years. i don't know of really any domestic or foreign policy stances of the bush years that he's changed. tax breaks, continued. still in iraq? yep. afganistan? yes, and actually ramped up. gitmo still open? of course. economy any better? no. |