11-23-2011, 03:00 PM
The Curragh
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Manningtown, Colorado
Posts: 2,727
Originally Posted by Riot
But they have been badly battered by having the Republican governors remove some of their bargaining rights. Remove this, remove that, defund - and oh, we're broke, we'll have to hire a private company to run it, and we'll give all your state dollars to them.
Privatize Social Security, Medicare, keep healthcare privatized (we can see the disaster that is), privatize police, fire, EMS, schools. Get those tax dollars into the hands of corporations.
Look: the Republican Governors Association is very clear on now these govs are supposed to go about this. It's no secret. It's what the party "stands for".
Unions are a racket, especially the teachers union. Christ they got Corzine elected Gov in NJ.
don't run out of ammo.