Originally Posted by joeydb
Because it's designed to be that way. You can never pay enough. The government decides who gets what - unlike your own money (a.k.a. what the government does not confiscate) which you can spend however you like.
You know - like the 47 million food stamp recipients who buy beer and cigarettes with their "own" money after the sucker of a taxpayer pays for the rest of what they have in the checkout line.
The government approach is always to take from one group and give that which it took to another group, less the non-trivial fee for processing and handling.
All hail the recipient!
The above rant having zero to do with Medicare, which is paid for by the people eventually receiving the insurance. Hint: that's why it's called an "entitlement" program. Because you contributed into it, you are entitled to take out of it when it's your turn.