03-07-2012, 09:47 AM
![dellinger63's Avatar](image.php?s=23fd03b59d15e535a477a77ebc7ab61a&u=83&dateline=1434726780) |
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
Then she has an agenda and I want to know who is pulling her strings.
Wake up to the propaganda and diversionary tactics of the enemy. She is not on our side.
Sandra Fluke is being sold by the left as something she's not. Namely a random co-ed from Georgetown law who found herself mixed up in the latest front of the culture war who was simply looking to make sure needy women had access to birth control. That, of course, is not the case.
As many have already uncovered Sandra Fluke she is, in reality, a 30 year old long time liberal activist who enrolled at Georgetown with the express purpose of fighting for the school to pay for students' birth control. She has been pushing for mandated coverage of contraceptives at Georgetown for at least three years according to the Washington Post.
However, as I discovered today, birth control is not all that Ms. Fluke believes private health insurance must cover. She also, apparently, believes that it is discrimination deserving of legal action if "gender reassignment" surgeries are not covered by employer provided health insurance. She makes these views clear in an article she co-edited with Karen Hu in the Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law.
Does Riot have a daughter?