Originally Posted by bigrun
Hey jackoff, speaking of original thought show me where you uttered just one..Even a dolt like you must have ONE..and please, not all that crap you pull down from Fox,Coulter,Rush and other wingnuts..it's not people like me that doomed this country, we built it. You and your ilk are so far right you went over the edge and destroyed it..You want a starting point, how bout the year 2000, i.e. G Dumya Bush..and downhill since..In a word IRAQ!!..I didn't vote for Obama, i voted against repukeism..You don't like my cartoons, good, i'll continue on course..and you should allow your sockpuppet to reply..and get back to chasing riot, i miss my laughs watching you guys get shot down at every turn..
That avatar is an old Navy vet and best friend since Jr high, lost him last year..and he was further right than you bozos..
Nice job making an absolute fool of yourself. You are the only sock puppet here and you consistently need Riot to make a fool of herself in an attempt to save you. Get over it, the many other people who expose your daily fraudulent positions are not sock puppets, they are people who have intellect and common sense.
Now why don't you go and try another dishonest liberal fallback out of the Axelrod playbook and keep calling those who call for stricter immigration enforcement raciest's, jackass. Or better yet, do us all a favor and put your head back in the sand and use your hands to wave your Obama pom poms instead of typing and making a fool of yourself.