Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
There is no chance Roe vs Wade gets overturned regardless of who is elected. It is simply a Democratic scare tactic.
Originally Posted by Riot
The time for people to be "up in arms" about men trying to take women's rights away is right now - during the electoral process. That's why Mourdock was asked at the rally about his thoughts on women's rights and abortion - so people can choose to never, ever for for him, an American Taliban that wants to introduce his religious law into our government.
Democracy takes work. These people are very dangerous. Again - any woman who votes for a candidate that looks you in the face and says he wants to take away your current freedoms and rights - he's not joking. He's dead serious, no matter how extreme and silly you think he sounds. Run for your life. Vote and defend your freedom.
Problem is Joe Donnelly is against abortion also.....but then he could flip-flop like he always does anyways.